New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Welcome to Academic Year 2017-2018

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Class: 8-1 and 8-3 Language Arts and Social Studies
Teacher: Kristen Fink
Room: 206
Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 15.15 – 16.00

Language Arts
In Language Arts we are using the Common Core standards as the basis for our program.  These standards have been adopted by many American and international schools around the world, and form an excellent framework for the course.  The course is literature-based, with the texts representing a range of standard 8th Grade literature.

Social Studies
In Social Studies we are using a modified version of the California State standards.  We will cover Medieval Europe, the Renaissance and the Reformation, the Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment and the Age of Revolution.

Students will demonstrate their knowledge in a range of ways including tests, quizzes, reading and writing assignments, and projects. Assessment will take the form of Standards Based Grading, which means that a student’s progress will be assessed and reported in terms of his/her ability to meet the standards.

Every single class is important, and students will miss meaningful instruction if they are not at school. Care should be taken to avoid scheduling holidays, trips or other absences during school time.  Missing assignments will need to be completed in full, and except in special circumstances, alternative make-up work will not be given. Students are responsible for catching up on missed work, notes, and assignments after an absence.

Course Materials
Each student should keep all materials organized neatly in a dedicated Language Arts or Social Studies notebook or section of his/her binder. Students will need to have any assigned class text as well as a notebook, pencils, erasers, colored pencils, pens, scissors, sharpener, highlighter, stick glue, a planner, and a free reading book of their choice.

I will send regular updates to parents by email and I’m always happy to meet with parents and students outside of class times.  I’m normally available after school (subject to meetings), and welcome parents and students dropping in or scheduling a meeting.  Alternatively, I can be contacted by email at