Hello everyone:
Thank you so much for your patience and support last week when I was away at a family funeral. Discovery is truly a special place to work!
I wanted to put up some pictures of the 8th graders and their Castle Projects...they were so great!
Please remember that this Friday, February 17 and next Monday, February 20 are days off of school to celebrate President's Day. You may read a bit about the history of this holiday here.
I know school has been going for 2 days this week, but hopefully my previous class-specific posts helped you all understand what is expected of you from that time. If you missed any of those days I encourage you to visit those pages to get caught up.
The next few days are going to be odd, because the secondary students will only have afternoon classes. Here's why:
WEDNESDAY: Our Middle and High School students will attend the presentation “El Lazarillo” on Wednesday, February 15, as an extension of our Social Studies and Spanish Literature curriculum. Our students will leave the school at 8:00 a.m. The cost of the entrance is L100 per student. We expect our students to be back by 11:00 a.m. Students should dress formally for this event.
FRIDAY: Parents- From how LED lights impact our sleep to how we can protect our homes from fire to how to build a solar oven- our Science Fair topics this year are diverse and fascinating. Join us from 8:30-10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 16, to see our 7th-12th grade students' explorations displayed in the Secondary Building in this year’s Discovery School Science Fair!
Due to all this fun, I will not see 9th grade or 7th grade until next Tuesday!
Here's what you need to know:
9th graders: Your African resistance assignment will be due on Tuesday when you return to my class. If you have questions about this assignment it will be your responsibility to ask me! I will not accept "I didn't understand" as an excuse! Don't worry about the Chinese pairs assignment...we'll catch up with that next week.
7th graders: I saw two country projects in my room today, and I'm sorry you wont get the chance to present them until next week! Be ready when you return on Tuesday to present your projects. If you need to work on them over the weekend, feel free. Remember that you will be graded by me, by yourself, and your partner, so be the best partner you can be! Both the maps assignment and the Monsoon Season packet will also be due next Tuesday! Be sure to ask for your copy of the packet if you don't have one!
I will see the 8th graders and 6th graders on Wednesday and Thursday:
6th grade: Remember that your Pocahontas paper sloppy copy is due tomorrow, along with your compare and contrast worksheet. You will also have a timeline check, because your timeline projects are due on Thursday! You will have one-on-one check-ins with me on Wednesday, and Thursday will review for your Colonialism Quiz. (Your Colonialism Quiz is Tuesday, February 21!)
8th grade: Remember, here is the laundry-list of things due on Wednesay, February 15:
-Crusader Interview Questions and Letter
-Nobility Webquest Worksheet
-Who am I? Catholic Church Worksheet
-Cathedral Movie Questions
-Effects of the Crusades Worksheet
-Moving to Towns Packet
-Medieval Towns Packet
(If you think that's bad, remember that I have to check it all!)
In class on Wednesday you will look at education and poetry from the Middle Ages (aren't you excited?) and on Thursday you will be in the computer lab completing that Guild Activity I told you not to do before. ;)
There you have it, another week (almost) gone!
Let me know if you have questions/comments/concerns/etc!
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