New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

8th Grade: Spanish Reconquista DBQ Recap

Hey 8th graders:

Yesterday and today in class we learned about the Spanish Reconquista (btw: if you want to check out those maps I had on the ppt, click here).

We looked at 6 different primary source documents in class (you can find them under the Spanish Reconquista In-Class DBQ Assignment on your engrade page) and answered two questions about each document. If you were absent and have not completed the first or second set of these documents, you need to get caught up! Lucky you, all the documents are available on engrade!

Your homework for tomorrow is to have all the questions answered in the two-color format we used in class. We didn't get to the final document in class, so the answers to that one will be all new.

I also want you to write a one-paragraph (5 sentence) summary answering the following question:
What happened during the Spanish Reconquista, and how did the Reconquista affect the people who were living in the Iberian Peninsula at that time?

Things that will be handed in tomorrow:
-all 10 DBQ question answers we discussed in class, with your original answer in one color and your changes/additions/subtractions in a second color
-the 2 DBQ question answers we didn't get to in class (Doc. 6 on engrade)
-your one-paragraph answer to the bolded question above

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or if you can't access the documents (I can e-mail them to you as well.)

Have a good night!

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