New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

9th Grade: Election of Hitler Response

Hey 9th graders:

Sorry I didn't post this earlier:

Please, for tomorrow, use the documents and our activity from class today to write a 1-paragraph (5 sentence) response answering the following:

Explain why/how Hitler was elected leader of Germany

Have fun! :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

9th Grade: Fascism Questions

Hey 9th graders:

1) Start with a brief overview answer:

-What is Fascism?

2) Answer the following questions about Fascism in Germany, Russia, Japan, Italy, and Spain:

-Why did Fascism develop in the country?

-Who was the leader?

-When did it begin?

-Where (within the country) and who (type of person) did it affect the most?

3) Pull it all together:
-How does Fascism connect to World War I, the worldwide Depression, and World War II?

Here is a fun link to get you started:

Happy day

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Last Week before Semana Santa (and April)! Week of March 26-30

Hello everyone:

I hope you all had a nice (long, for the students) weekend, and that any conferences you attended last week were productive. If you were unable to attend conferences and would like to meet with me or any other teacher, please contact us to schedule a time to meet.

Half-Day Schedule: Wednesday, March 28, is a half-day (AM schedule) for students, due to teacher professional development. Students will be released from class at 11:45 that morning. Please arrange to pick up your child no later than 12:00 PM. Thank you for your help in this matter.

Semana Santa: The school will be on vacation after dismissal at 3:00 this Friday, March 30. Students should return to school by 8:00 AM on Wednesday, April 11. HAVE A FUN AND SAFE SEMANA SANTA! If your student will be gone at any time the week before (this week) or after Semana Santa, please let their area administrator and teachers know ASAP so we can give them make-up work! Thank you! :)

Here are the plans for the final week of March!
6th grade: Nice job on your Mini-Quiz last week! :) This week you will begin learning about another revolution, but this one has to do with technology, not fighting. It's the Industrial Revolution! On Monday will watch a short introductory video which you will discuss during class on Tuesday. There is no class on Wednesday due to teacher professional development time. Thursday and Friday you will work with the textbooks and some primary sources to understand the effects of the Industrial Revolution on people during the mid to late 1800s in Europe. You will have in-class assignments on Monday and Thursday.

7th grade: You will continue learning about Africa this week. On Monday you will read and complete questions about North Africa. On Tuesday you will be in the computer lab researching for your country project or practicing for your North and West Africa map quiz. Wednesday is a presentation day for four of you. Thursday you will have another textbook assignment about West Africa. Friday is another presentation day.

8th grade: I hope you are enjoying learning about the Renaissance, because you've got another few weeks of it before we move on. :) This week you will begin looking more at the groups Humanists, Inventors and Patrons of the Arts. Monday and Tuesday you will use primary and secondary sources to better understand the ideas and ideals of Humanist thinkers. There is no class on Wednesday due to teacher professional development time. Thursday and Friday you will spend time in the computer lab researching the innovations and arts of the Renaissance. You will have three assignments this week; Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

9th grade: You have just one week more of the Inter-War years (you'll start World War II after Semana Santa). This week you will look at the rise of Fascism, one of the main causes of World War II. Monday and Tuesday you will research the beginnings of Fascism in four areas of the world and will have an assignment along with this research. Wednesday you will have a fun in-class simulation and will be assigned a 1-paragraph response. Thursday and Friday you will look at the actions of a Fascist leader and compare and contrast them with the Nationalists actions of Gandhi in India in a Nationalism DBQ. You will have an Inter-War take-home quiz given at the beginning of class on Friday. You may complete it during class on Friday or take it home to be completed at some point during Semana Santa. It will be due Wednesday, April 11!

There you have it! Enjoy the week, and enjoy your break even more! :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

9th Grade: Worldwide (Great) Depression Maps

Hey 9th graders:

Here is a reminder of your over-the-weekend assignment to create a worldwide map of the effects of the Great Depression:

Start by making a list of countries (at least six) affected by the Worldwide Depression.
(Click here or here for some good information about different countries!)

Next create your world map--don't trace or print it!...but please make it better than this ;)Once you have made your world map, add arrows pointing to the affected countries and leading to information about how those individual countries were affected. (see above) This information should include 1) the name of the country, and 2) a brief (1-2 sentence) description of how that country was affected by the Great Depression.

Please remember that you need to include information about at least six countries on your map!

Let me know if you have questions! Your map is due MONDAY! :)


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

8th Grade: Renaissance Men and Women Assignment

Hi 8th Graders:

Here are some links you can use to do your Renaissance Men/Women assignment!

What is a Renaissance Man/Woman? Short, sweet, and to the point Ignore the ads and read the content, it's a good answer. Yes, there is a technical term for a Renaissance Man, it's Polymath! This article tells you how to be a Renaissance Man, but in doing so also defines what a Renaissance Man is (a person who does all the things they suggest...) Excellent excerpt from Charles Van Doren's book A History of Knowledge: Past, Present, and Future. Although his main thesis is that Renaissance Men didn't really exist, he actually proves they did.

Actual Renaissance Men and Women:
Leonardo da Vinci
Lorenzo de Medici
Leon Battista Alberti (be sure you click on the biography link at the bottom for more information)
Isabella d'Este (a Renaissance WOMAN!)
Sofonisba Anguissola (Another woman...this also includes a link to Isabella d'Este)
There are other men and women you can research as well (please make sure they were living between 1300-1600, the dates of the Renaissance)

For ideas on Modern-Day people to model your own Renaissance Person on: Gives a list and short informational blurb about 10 Celebrities An site that gives you other people's answers (haha) about who are Modern-Day Renaissance Men Includes a good, bullet-pointed list of what a Renaissance Man should be...

Have fun!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Grades have been Archived!

In case you are looking for your Quarter 3 grades, you can find them in the archives on engrade!


Week of March 19-23 Updated

Hello all:

Well, here I am at school, feeling better, and ready to give a few more details on this week's assignments:

6th grade: You were to finish your look at the time after the Latin American Revolutions last night to discuss in class today. Today and tomorrow you will be working with Frayer models about Caudillos and other Latin American leaders. You will need to have those all completed to turn in by Friday, March 23. You will have a Latin American Leaders Mini-Quiz on Friday as well!

7th grade: Your textbook assignment you started Monday is due tomorrow, and the packets will be due Thursday. Africa project presentations will begin next week. There is no class on Friday.

8th grade: Today you will take specific notes from yesterday's movie. Tomorrow and Thursday you will be in the computer lab researching the term Renaissance Man. That assignment will be due Friday. Friday you will evaluate the Medici family.

9th grade: Tomorrow and Thursday you will continue looking at the Great Depression and its effects, including a REALLY FUN primary source evaluation tomorrow (I promise you will like it!) and some map-making skills on Thursday. The primary source evaluations will be due on Thursday and the maps due next Monday. There is no class on Friday.

Thanks for your patience! :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Welcome to Quarter 4! Week of March 19-23

Hello again, everyone!

Welcome to Quarter 4! You made it!

Grades will come out later this week, as well as letters requesting some parents to come to Parent-Teacher Conferences this Friday afternoon, March 23. All my grades are updated on engrade, so you can get a sneak peek if you head over there.

DISCOVERY SCHOOL PRIDE– To demonstrate school pride the staff will begin wearing Discovery School shirts on Fridays, and we'd love our students to join us! Our new “Home of the Wolves” t-shirts should be available for purchase this Friday, March 23, with the new polo shirts to come shortly after. Let’s all pitch in and build our school spirit, while helping the choir raise funds for their San Francisco trip this summer!

SCHOOL PICTURES- The Discovery School yearbook continues to work to get a photo of each student to be put into this years' book! If your student hasn't had their individual photo taken yet, please encourage them to speak with their Homeroom teacher or me to get that taken! We need the entire school to be represented this year!!

On a personal note, I am not feeling well this evening, but I plan to be at school tomorrow...if not, I will update the blog first thing in the morning.

So, planning on me being at school tomorrow, here is a rough plan of the week. I will re-update it with more specifics when I'm not running a fever!

6th grade: You will begin looking at life in the American colonies after their revolutions. Both the USA and the Middle and South American colonies had some issues with independence, and we will explore those issues all this week. We start with a deeper look at the differences in the rulers of the new countries in Middle and South America, and will have a multi-day assignment to complete.

7th grade: Are you ready to start learning about Africa? Africa is such a huge continent that we are going to break it into smaller areas to help you learn about it from multiple views. You will start on Monday and Tuesday with the maps assignment, and later in the week will have Africa packets! You will also be selecting your country for the North and West African Country Projects!

8th grade: After the Middle Ages, Dark Ages, Golden Age, whatever you choose to call it came arguably the most important time period EVER...the Renaissance. This week you will start looking at the Renaissance; important elements, geography, and important people involved. Assignments will include spending time researching the topic and examples of a "Renaissance Man."

9th grade: The world was not at peace when World War I ended. This week you will look at the world directly after World War I, including the world wide depression and the advent of fascism to fill power voids. Assignments will include research about some of these elements.

Thanks for your patience, I promise I will update the blog with more details soon!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

9th Grade: World War I and Russian Revolution Quiz Review

Hey 9th Graders:

Study your study guide! Bring it tomorrow filled out!

Happy Studying!

6th Grade: Latin American Revolution Review Questions

Hey 6th graders:

Please remember that I need your Latin American Revolutions packet back tomorrow so I can finish grading it!

You may have on sheet of paper, front side only, for notes on tomorrow's quiz!

Here are the things you should study:

The early colonial fights (3 unnamed, 2 named)
King Philip's War
7 Years' War (French and Indian War)
Proclamation of 1763
The stops on the road to revolution: including Acts, Duties, and other events
How the French Revolution affected the Latin American Revolutions
What the Revolutions were like in Haiti, Mexico, South America, and Brazil
How all the revolutions we discussed relate to the Beatles' "Revolution" songs
Was the Boston Massacre actually a massacre?

Simon Bolivar
Jose de San Martin
Agustin de Iturbide
Father Miguel Hidalgo
Jose Maria Morelos


Let me know if you have any questions!
Happy Studying!

7th Grade: East and Southeast Asia Quiz

Hey 7th graders:

Remember there are 16 countries you need to know for tomorrow's quiz:

North Korea
South Korea (yes you have to write out North and South)
Myanmar (Burma) (you need to know both)

Also you should know about Indonesia (what you looked at in the book) and Singapore's location (from the packet)
You probably also want to be able to identify similarities and differences between the different countries.

You will be able to use ONLY your graphic organizer as notes on the quiz.

Happy Studying, let me know if you have any questions!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Last Week of Quarter 3! Week of March 12-15

Hi everyone:

I hope you all had a nice weekend, and are ready for the quizzi-ness coming up this week in room #4!

Reminder: I will not be at school on Monday or Tuesday. Please be good for Ms. Pia!

I had an excellent experience presenting and attending the Conference last Friday, and hope I will be able to bring back some new ideas and fun to class during Quarter 4!

Reminder: There is no school on Friday, March 16, due to the end of the quarter. First come, first served Parent-Teacher conferences for some students will be held on the afternoon of Friday, March 23. If you do not receive a letter from me requesting a conference but would like to schedule one anyway, you are welcome to send me an e-mail or come in the afternoon of the 23rd.

Here is this week's schedule:
6th grade: Monday you will finish your reading about the Latin American Revolutions. Tuesday you will have assignments defining a revolution and seeing the US Revolution through the eyes of someone who was there. Wednesday we will review, and Thursday, March 15, you will have your Revolutions Quiz!

7th grade: Monday and Tuesday you will have assignments out of the book about Indonesia. If you finish early, you will want to spend your class time studying for your East and Southeast Asia quiz, which will be Thursday, March 15. This means looking at the maps and being able to identify the 16 countries of the region, as well as having your entire graphic organizer filled out, with the exception of Laos, which you will fill out during class on Wednesday as the first part of your quiz review. DO NOT waste your class time!

8th grade: Hopefully your DBQ is close to being finished will need to hand it in Tuesday. (Any students with DBQs not handed in when I return to school on Wednesday will spend their lunch time that day with me!) Monday and Tuesday in class you will be completing your Middle Ages study guides, so be sure you bring all your previous work and notes with you to class! Your Middle Ages quiz will be a 2-day event, on both Wednesday and Thursday. I encourage you to have your study guide completed before that time!
9th grade: On Monday and Tuesday you will find out what happened at the end of World War I. You will read about it in the Human Legacy textbook and study and compare two important documents from that time, US President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points speech and excerpts (parts) from the Treaty of Versailles, the agreement that ended the war. You also need to have an answer written down for the following question when I return on Wednesday:
What will happen in the world now that World War I is over? (at least 3 sentences)
If/when you finish this assignment, there is an optional study guide that you may complete to help you prepare for your World War I and Russian Revolution Quiz, which you will review for on Wednesday and take on Thursday, March 15.

It's a short week, but an important one!

Sprint to the finish!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Even though I'm gone... thoughts are in my classroom at Discovery School!

Here are some AWESOME propaganda posters the 9th graders did this week!

I WANT be good while I'm gone! :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

8th Grade: Spanish Reconquista DBQ Recap

Hey 8th graders:

Yesterday and today in class we learned about the Spanish Reconquista (btw: if you want to check out those maps I had on the ppt, click here).

We looked at 6 different primary source documents in class (you can find them under the Spanish Reconquista In-Class DBQ Assignment on your engrade page) and answered two questions about each document. If you were absent and have not completed the first or second set of these documents, you need to get caught up! Lucky you, all the documents are available on engrade!

Your homework for tomorrow is to have all the questions answered in the two-color format we used in class. We didn't get to the final document in class, so the answers to that one will be all new.

I also want you to write a one-paragraph (5 sentence) summary answering the following question:
What happened during the Spanish Reconquista, and how did the Reconquista affect the people who were living in the Iberian Peninsula at that time?

Things that will be handed in tomorrow:
-all 10 DBQ question answers we discussed in class, with your original answer in one color and your changes/additions/subtractions in a second color
-the 2 DBQ question answers we didn't get to in class (Doc. 6 on engrade)
-your one-paragraph answer to the bolded question above

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or if you can't access the documents (I can e-mail them to you as well.)

Have a good night!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

9th Grade: World War I Propaganda Project

Hey 9th graders:

Remember to finish your World War I Propaganda Project for Thursday, March 8!

You must:
1) Pick a side (Allies vs Central Powers)
2) Pick a type of propaganda (Song, Poster, Radio ad, Newspaper story, Filmstrip, Movie, Speech, Food label, Political caroon, etc)
3) Pick a subject (who are you "talking" to with your propaganda)--Women, Soldiers, Children, people Rationing, etc.

Be sure you have a clear object of what you want them to do...that is your propaganda!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Two Weeks until the End of Quarter 3! Week of March 5-9

Hello again:

It has come to my attention that those of you who signed up for the e-mail alerts are not receiving the updates for many hours after I actually update the blog. I apologize for this, but actually have no control over when Google or Blogger send my updates. If you don't mind getting the information hours after I post it, by all means feel free to wait. However, if you feel you need the information earlier (say, you want the review questions the night before the quiz) you may actually have to log into the blog to see them. Thanks.

School Pictures: School pictures will be taken for the yearbook this week. I apologize for the late notice, but they were only scheduled last week. Every Discovery School student MUST have their picture taken for the yearbook, even if they do not want to purchase an individual photo packet later (information on the packages will be released soon). Here is the schedule:
(Click for a larger image)

Please note the schedule for my students:
6th grade: Wednesday, March 7 (1:20-2:10-this is during my class time)
7th grade: Wednesday, March 7 (2:10-3:00)
All School Picture: Thursday, March 8 (8:00-8:50--9th grade, this is during my class time)
8A: Thursday, March 8 (8:53-9:45)
8B: Thursday, March 8 (10:10-10:55)
9th grade: Thursday, March 8 (10:55-11:45)
Model UN and Make-Up photos: Thursday, March 15 (TBD)

Please plan to come looking lovely or handsome for your photos!

Substitute in the Classroom: I apologize for my continued absences from school! I will be away this Friday, March 9-next Tuesday, March 13. I leave Thursday night to present at a teacher's conference in San Pedro Sula. Thank you for your patience and continued good behavior, students!

As always, I will leave excellent sub notes, and expect the students to do their best on all assigned work!

Here's what you can expect:
6th grade: We will finish up your Road to Revolution worksheet on Monday (don't forget your homework!) and will look at the major events of the Revolution and the viewpoints of different people on Tuesday. Wednesday you will not have my class due to school picture day. Thursday you will learn about the French Revolution, and Friday (with the sub) you will begin learning about the revolutions in Latin America. Your Revolutions Quiz will be Thursday, March 15!

7th grade: You will continue learning about Southeast Asia this week. Monday you will have another textbook assignment. Tuesday you will be in the computer lab researching your projects or playing country games. Wednesday will be our final presentation day. Thursday and Friday you will complete a packet about the location of Singapore! Your Southeast Asia Quiz will be Thursday, March 15!

8th grade: Monday you will present your 100 Years War projects, and then you will learn about the Spanish Inquisition by watching a movie and looking at some primary sources on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday you will have a culminating Middle Ages DBQ. Your Middle Ages Quiz will be Wednesday, March 14 and Thursday, March 15!

9th grade: On Monday you will turn in your technologies assignments and learn about the reasons behind the US' entrance into World War I. Tuesday you will study the concepts of propaganda and Total War. Wednesday-Friday you will learn about the Russian Revolution, and the steps Russia took to go from a monarchy to a communist state. Your World War I and Russian Revolution Quiz will be Thursday, March 15!

Model UN: Thanks to those who were able to make it to our Saturday meeting last week! I would like you to all start working on your position paper for your Topic A. Your first copy of the paper will be due Thursday, March 15!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 2, 2012

6th Grade: Boston Massacare Homework

Hey 6th Grade:

Remember that bias is always apparent when you are studying history, just like we saw in the documents about the Boston Massacre today.

Your assignment over the weekend is to research the Boston Massacre and come up with an answer to this question:

Was the Boston Massacre truly a massacre, and why or why not?

Come ready to defend your opinion in class on Monday!

(PS: I have provided you with three links above...use them, not Wikipedia!)

9th Grade: Technologies of World War I Poster Project

Hey 9th graders:

Here is the assignment you started today in class. Remember it is due on Monday, March 5th.

You need to research any four war-related technologies new to World War I.

For one of these technologies you need to create an 8 1/2" x 11" poster containing the following information:
1) Name of the invention (obvs)

2) Background information
-This can include answering the following questions:
•Who invented it?
•What did it look like/do? (describe it)
•Why did they invent it
•Did they invent it for the war, or was its wartime use found later/
•How did they invent it?
•Other information you find interesting about the invention

3) How the invention was used was used in the war

4) Which side/country used it in the war? (Or did both sides use it?)

5) For 3 points-draw a color picture of the invention
For 5 points-draw and label a color diagram of the invention

You may use the Internet as a resource but please don't copy or paste information into this assignment! :)

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

8th Grade: Hundred Years' War News Broadcast

Hey 8th grade:

Here are the three elements your News Broadcast (assigned in class today) need to have:

-The major events of the Hundred YearsWar

-An interview with at least one of the major players in the war (Joan of Arc, Philip IV, Henry V or Edward III are all options)

-What the Medieval World can look forward to now that the war is over

Let me know if you have questions!

PS: Check the Magna Carta Activity entry below for an extra credit opportunity!

9th Grade: World War I Assignment

Hey 9th graders:

Here are the terms you need to know for your World War I assignment:

1) Compare and contrast (in t-chart or Venn Diagram) the two Fronts of World War I (East and West)

2) Take at least 2 notes on...
-Schlieffen Plan
-Battle of Tannenberg
-Trench Warfare
-Italian Front
-Battle of the Marne
-Battle of the Somme
-Battle of Verdun
-Battle of Ypres
-Gallipolic Campaign
-Armenian Massacre

3) Write a 5-sentence paragraph describing the war outside of Europe
(If it helps to have a question to answer, what makes this a WORLD war?)

Textbook pages: 383-384, 388-390 (Human Legacy), 701-705 (Maroon). You may also use the Internet!

Due at class time tomorrow! :)