New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Friday, March 2, 2012

9th Grade: Technologies of World War I Poster Project

Hey 9th graders:

Here is the assignment you started today in class. Remember it is due on Monday, March 5th.

You need to research any four war-related technologies new to World War I.

For one of these technologies you need to create an 8 1/2" x 11" poster containing the following information:
1) Name of the invention (obvs)

2) Background information
-This can include answering the following questions:
•Who invented it?
•What did it look like/do? (describe it)
•Why did they invent it
•Did they invent it for the war, or was its wartime use found later/
•How did they invent it?
•Other information you find interesting about the invention

3) How the invention was used was used in the war

4) Which side/country used it in the war? (Or did both sides use it?)

5) For 3 points-draw a color picture of the invention
For 5 points-draw and label a color diagram of the invention

You may use the Internet as a resource but please don't copy or paste information into this assignment! :)

Happy Weekend!

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