New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

6th Grade: Age of Exploration Review Questions

Hey 6th Graders!

Hope you're studying hard tonight!

Remember that you are welcome to bring one page of notes to use on the quiz, but they MAY NOT be a copy of this blog post!

Here are some things to keep in mind as you study for tomorrow's quiz:

-Vikings "Firsts" (don't forget the "European" part!)
-Names and examples of the 3 G's
-Portuguese Explorers, why they sailed and the outcomes of their voyages
-Spanish Explorers, why they sailed and the outcomes of their voyages
-English Explorers, why they sailed and the outcomes of their voyages
-French Explorers, why they sailed and the outcomes of their voyages
-Dutch Explorers (Henry Hudson: sailed from The Netherlands to North America looking for the Northwest Passage, found the Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay (the big one in North Canada). Was set adrift with his son in the Hudson Bay after his crew became fed up with him; William Jantzoon: Explored the South Pacific and was the first European to sight and map Australia.)
-Know who created the Line of Demarcation and why, and how the Treaty of Tordesillas replaced it and what was the outcome of the Treaty
-Who was Henry the Navigator, where was he from, and why was he important?
-What was traded between The Americas, Africa, and Europe on the Triangular Trade
-Goods that were exchanged between the Old World and the New World on the Columbian Exchange
-Who was Marco Polo and why was he important?
-Know what a Joint-Stock company was, as well as the diagram that goes with it (if you missed that day in class feel free to stop by and ask during snack or lunch tomorrow)

Happy Studying!

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