New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

8th Grade: Byzantine and Charlemagne Quiz Review Questions (+ Answers)

Hey 8th graders:

I hope you enjoyed the Mimio-inspired review game today! I know I did! :)

Here are a few things for you to study for tomorrow's quiz. Remember that you may bring one page of notes, front side only, for use on the quiz!

You will need to know the political, economic, and social reasons why the Byzantine Empire fell (political=Ottoman Turks attacked and sacked Constantinople, the Byzantine rulers were weak and argued amongst themselves, etc; economic=the Venetians took over the trade routes; social=the Great Schism and the Muslims coming into the area, both dividing the loyalty of the people)

Speaking of the Great Schism, there were 7 reasons (that we talked about in class) why it occurred in 1054 (Geography, Iconography, Linguistic, Holidays, Nicene Creed (they couldn't agree which version to use), Charlemagne's crowning, Leadership)

Speaking of Charlemagne, he was a tall, handsome, blonde Frankish prince who liked to fight and was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope for services rendered. Once Emperor he made 5 changes in his Empire that (depending who you were) either made him "Great" or not (Trials, Money, Education, Government (think Domini Micci), Preservation)

Speaking of preservation, the Byzantines used, preserved, and spread Greek and Roman ideas (used: Navy, literature, aqueduct, public baths, streets, religion, language; preserved: Kept books from being destroyed during the dark ages, Justinian's Code; spread: via missionaries/ conquering people, and spread the alphabet, onion domes, religion)

The Emperor (not King) of the Byzantine Empire was Justinian, who collected ancient Roman, Greek, and other laws together into his own code of laws (aptly named Justinian's code). Justinian had a lovely wife Theodora who liked to influence (some would say meddle in) her husband's politics.

Geography really affected their empire, including the mountains, the seas, and their (nearly) perfect location.

These things came in handy when it came to defending their empire, especially against the Arabs. They also had an excellent navy with fleets of Dromon and Pamphylos, and fortified their empire with walled cities and blockades built of ships. The weapons they used were long (3 meters!) spears and swords, Greek Fire, chain mail, battle axes, etc).

Be sure to go back over your assignments to make sure you have lots of really great information for tomorrow's quiz!

Let me know if you have questions!


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