New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer School Fun!

Hey Summer Schoolers!

Here are a couple of links I would like you to visit and spend a bit of time on today...

Yes, I realize it is geared toward 3rd graders, and that all of you are WAY above 3rd grade level, but it will give you a little bit of extra practice on some of the mistakes you might make along the way...

If you'd rather find something in your age range, you may choose to play this game (if your computer has the right plug-in!)

Have fun!

PS: These are tougher than you think they will be!

PPS: You can also check out this awesome pre-writing tool:

PPPS: Here is another fun online writing resource:

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our Final Week of School! Week of June 4-8

Hello everyone!

I CAN'T BELIEVE we're at the end of the school year!!!

This week is a strange one with the timing because Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are all half days; students will be dismissed at 11:45 am all three days. Tuesday and Thursday are AM schedules, Wednesday is a PM schedule. Monday is a full day of school! The Honors Breakfast will be held Monday morning at 7:00 AM. Wednesday at 10:30 we will head to Discovery Idol. Thursday at 10:30 is the Awards Assembly. Friday is Graduation Day!!!

Here are a few messages from the Administration:

HONORS BREAKFAST – Parents and Teachers of students in Grades 6-12 who were on the Honor Roll during the first three quarters of this school year are invited to attend the Honors Breakfast to recognize these students on Monday, June 5, at 7:00 a.m.
CHOIR FUNDRAISING END-OF-THE-YEAR CARNIVAL: The Choir Parents are organizing an end-of-the-year Carnival and Bingo for Saturday, June 9, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There will be games, food, and of course the exciting Bingo. Please come bid the school year good bye with our family and friends while supporting the Choir in their last effort to raise fund for their upcoming San Francisco trip in July.

UNCLAIMED ART SALE - Yes! It is time for the annual Unclaimed Art Sale!  Parents, if your students have not brought their portfolios home from the art room you may find them up for sale in the art room.  All unclaimed art work will go on sale Monday June 4,5,6,7 from 7.30 am to 3:30.

All pieces are reasonable priced (10-20-50 Lempira) and families will get a huge discount (free). All proceeds from the sale of student work will be used to help pay for the framing of students’ works for the permanent collection. 

2011-2012 YEARBOOK IS COMING!– The ‘Year of the Wolf’ – The Discovery School yearbook is being printed and will be ready for distribution on Friday, June 8, according to the publisher. We are currently offering pre-sales to guarantee that you get a copy. Although the book is larger than last year, we have been able to arrange for no increase in the cost over last year. Therefore, our school memories are reflected in an 80-page, hard cover yearbook for the price of L. 650 each. You can reserve your copy by seeing Belgica in the Finance Office and paying the L. 650. We know these will sell out quickly, so be sure and reserve yours now! The school offices will be open throughout the summer so you will still have a chance to buy a yearbook as long as they last. 

MOZART’S ‘COSI FAN TUTTE OPERA COMES TO TEGUCIGALPA! – For the first time in Honduras, the National Philharmonic Association, with the support of Maestro Jorge Mejia, has arranged for a professional opera company from Texas to come to Tegucigalpa and perform Mozart’s famous opera, ‘Cosi Fan Tutte’.  Premiere  will be held on Thursday, June 7, at 7:00 p.m., with a repeat performance on Friday, June 8, at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the Discovery School Finance Office.

Don't forget to sign up for the Summer Course, Great Writing!

Even though it's a short week of school, we will still be learning in Room #4!
6th grade: Monday you will finish up the Little House on the Prairie Pilot episode movie. Tuesday there is no class. Wednesday we will watch a section of the History Channel show America: The Story of US about Westward movement. Thursday there is no class. Have a great summer!

7th grade: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday you will watch How the States Got their Shapes, which will show how geography affects the creation of state boundaries. Wednesday there is no class. Have a great summer!

8th grade: Monday you will watch the movie Mill Times. Wednesday you will attend the Discovery Idol show. Tuesday and Thursday you have no class. Have a great summer!

9th grade: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday you will watch sections of the History Channel show America: The Story of US about World War II and the world after the war.

On a personal note, I have truly enjoyed being your teacher for the past two years, and am incredibly sad to be leaving Discovery School this summer. Here are a few of my favorite moments from the past two years:
(Last years') 8th Grade Play

Thanks again for the birthday cake, 8B!

Wasn't cricket fun, 9th graders?
Model UN Unite! :)
Looking spiffy at the Chronicles of Discovery event, 6th graders!
Another shot of last years' 8th graders on UN Day!
 I hope you all will keep in touch and let me know how everything is going! I will miss you all!