New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Hello March! Week of February 28-March 4

Hello all:

6th grade: You will continue looking at the first round of Revolutions in the Americas this week. We will continue learning about the US Revolution, finishing up the information on the Road to Revolution, some of the major documents of the US Revolution, and the War from different people's perspectives. On Friday we will finish up by looking VERY BRIEFLY at the French Revolution.

7th grade: On Monday we will be going over last Friday's quizzes (MUCH BETTER!!!!) and will start on our Middle East unit. Each student will be researching a different ancient kingdom or empire that at one time controlled the Middle East. We will spend most of the week researching in the computer lab.

8th grade: We continue with the Middle Ages...Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we will look at the Black Plague using an information packet and some primary sources, and we will finish the week with information on the rise of the power of the kings (which means the loss of power for the lords)

12th grade: We only have one class this week, and you will have the opportunity to see how your editing has helped the 5th graders redo their persuasive essays when you edit their final drafts.

Hope you had a great weekend! Make this week a great one! :)


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