New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Believe it or Not...There's only Three Weeks Left • Week of May 21-25

Hello again:

I hope you are all having a pleasant weekend, recharging from the past week and gearing up for the next. We had a tragedy in the Discovery School family last week, but I have been very proud of how our students have pulled together during this hard time. My thoughts continue to go out to the families and friends affected.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Thank you to all parents who attended the General Assembly last Thursday. However, a quorum (33% of parents) was not reached at this meeting, so a second summons has been sent out for a second meeting on Thursday, May 24. PLEASE make room in your schedule for this important meeting where next years' budget and calendar will be voted on and the next two years' board members will be elected.

ENROLLMENT DRIVE BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!  The Enrollment Drive  has begun again! Information was emailed to all parents last Friday and more will be explained at the General Assembly on May 17. This enrollment drive applies to teachers as well as parents—please see Paola for a copy of the guidelines if you are interested.

MAP TESTING: Map testing will wrap up this week. Here's the middle school schedule:

Tuesday, May 22
8:30-9:45 6th grade (Language Usage)
10:05-11:20 7th grade (Language Usage)
11:40-12:55 8th A (Language Usage) **Please bring a big snack on this day as you will not eat lunch until after ALL students are finished with the test. You WILL get lunch, just later than normal.**
1:15-2:30 8th B (Language Usage)

Wednesday, May 23
8:30-9:45 9th Grade (Language Usage)

Make-up tests have been scheduled in the afternoon of May 23 and all day May 24-25. Please be ready to be pulled from class to complete any tests you may have missed over the past three weeks.


Here's the schedule in my room this week--it's REVIEW TIME!

6th grade: You will continue to follow the schedule for your Little House on the Prairie reading. Remember that the deadlines will still be applicable if you miss class! Your African Doctors book is due Monday, May 21. That day we will also read chapters 18-20 in class. Tuesday you will have a reading assignment and will look at the treaty the US Government made with the Osage Indians just a few years before the Ingalls family moved to Kansas. Wednesday you will read and complete a Venn Diagram about the Osage. Thursday you will have a reading assignment, and Friday most of you will be absent enjoying bootcamp!

7th grade: You will be working with enlargement techniques in order to better understand how that big, cool, painted map on my wall was made. Each day in class you will have a one-page worksheet to complete, and then will have time to work in your maps packets to study for your Whole World Map Quiz, which will be held next week, May 31-June 1. You will have no class on Thursday due to a PE Field Trip, and Friday most of you will be absent enjoying bootcamp!

8th grade: Remember that your World History I Semester Exam will be Tuesday, May 29, from 10:30-12:30. This next week you will spend each class reviewing for this exam. I will have a study guide for you on Monday and you will have class time to organize your notes and complete the study guide. Later in the week we may have some review activities if you have completed your study guides. Friday most of you will be absent enjoying bootcamp!

9th grade: Remember that your World History II Semester Exam will be Tuesday, May 29, from 10:30-12:30. This next week you will spend each class reviewing for this exam. I will have a study guide for you on Monday and you will have class time to organize your notes and complete the study guide. Later in the week we may have some review activities if you have completed your study guides.You will only have about 25 minutes of class on Tuesday due to MAP testing.

The next three weeks will go very quickly, especially if you stay focused and sprint to the finish!

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