New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Classroom Activities: Week of October 4-8

Hello everyone!

Well, quarter 1 is quickly winding down... only two more weeks! How quickly time flies when you're having fun! :)

6th Grade: Next week we will be a short one for us, as we will be enjoying the Opera on Monday! Tuesday you should plan to present your 7 Elements Project Poster to the class, and from Wednesday-Friday we will have our (very short!) Archaeology unit!

7th Grade: Your focus next week will continue to be world religions. We will focus on Islam, the final religion we will study, on Monday-the first half of Wednesday. On Thursday we will play a fun review game, and Friday will be your open-note test!

8th Grade: I hope you are enjoying learning about Ancient Egypt as much as I am!! Next week our study will continue, and in groups you will prepare a lesson on one of the three "eras" of Ancient Egypt: the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom. You will present these to the class (and will be evaluated on your teaching and learning in your test the following week.)

12th Grade: I am looking forward to reading your papers (which you are going to submit as your weekly blog post no later than Monday)! On Thursday and Friday we will continue to work on your final research paper, due no later than Wednesday the 13th, also as a blog post. Check your information page and rubric to remind you EXACTLY what I expect on this paper!

So, there it is...keep up the great work, and sprint to the finish of this first quarter of school!


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