Good morning Seniors! I am reading your last-week's blog posts with interest!
This week I have no particular subject for your actual blog post. Surprise me with your creativity or thought-provoking insight.
However, I also want you to visit two of your classmates' blogs and comment on something they have written at any point in their blog. Please make your comment more substantial than, "I like your blog," or "Cool!" Give them feedback, add to the details they gave on a shared experience, or answer a question or concern they might have posed. When you are done, shoot me an e-mail telling me whose blogs you commented on. (
This will be your last (for class) blog post until after the Independence Day Break.
Enjoy! I am looking forward to reading both your posts and your comments to each other.
PS: Please remember that you are being graded on these posts. You can earn up to 10 points each week, and blog posts comprise 25% of your total grade. You must include ALL parts of the assignment to get the full 10 points...for example, this week's point breakdown is:
4 pts: blog post
2.5 pts: comment #1
2.5 pts: comment #2
1 pt: e-mailing me to tell me whose blogs you commented on
Concerned you're missing some points? Come check your grade with me! :)
New School
Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Next Week's Plan: August 30-September 3
I can't believe next week is September! Wow, this school year is already going quickly!
How I love being a first-year never get bored, because your plans are always changing...
After 3 weeks of planning, the 6th graders are FINALLY going to create their maps next week! We will start a latitude and longitude travel around-the-world project tomorrow in class (due Monday), and will start making our maps on Tuesday. I have been SO impressed with this group: latitude and longitude are difficult to understand, and they have all worked incredibly hard to grasp this subject.
The completed map projects will be doubly-special: not only will the 6th graders show me how they can apply their knowledge of maps and latitude and longitude, but they will also be visiting Mr. Rose's 4th grade class to teach them about maps as well! Both Mr. Rose and I are very excited about this class-to-class teaching and learning experience!
The 7th Graders next week will be moving away from creating their own culture (it turns out this class are already culture experts, and have already created a culture of their own,) and so will be turning their eyes on cultures that already exist in the world. Keep your eyes open for the Country Culture Project Parade sheets that will be coming home tomorrow. The students will be creating a mini-parade float depicting the 7 Elements of Culture from a South American, Australian, European, Asian, or African country. This project will be completed mostly outside of class, but we will have two class periods next week to work on it as well. The floats will be due on Friday next week. 7th grade will also be learning about surveys, bar graphs, line graphs, and circle graphs. Fun!
8th Grade is finishing this week by looking at Ancient Mesopotamia, the first of the Ancient Civilizations. (Ask them about how hard it was to be Hunter-Gatherers, to trade without words, and to decide how to create their own culture!) Next week we will examine written language, daily life in Mesopotamia, Mesopotamian jobs, and continue looking at the importance of trade.
8th graders: your first World History quiz will be Thursday, September 9.
Seniors! How are you enjoying learning about research skills? I am working to gain access to the computer lab at least one day next week so we can continue looking at the positives and negatives of Internet [btw: always capitalize the word Internet. It's (for some reason) a proper noun :) ] research. If not, we will start practicing our summarizing skills! Plagiarism be gone!
Also, seniors: Don't forget about your weekly blog posts. Remember, this week you are focusing on one positive and one negative of your senior year! (Hopefully this communications class isn't the negative!)
Well, that's the plan...what will change? A lot, I'm sure! There are so many exciting and (I hope!) fun things happening in Discovery School Room #4 ... let's make next week as great as this one was!
How I love being a first-year never get bored, because your plans are always changing...
After 3 weeks of planning, the 6th graders are FINALLY going to create their maps next week! We will start a latitude and longitude travel around-the-world project tomorrow in class (due Monday), and will start making our maps on Tuesday. I have been SO impressed with this group: latitude and longitude are difficult to understand, and they have all worked incredibly hard to grasp this subject.
The completed map projects will be doubly-special: not only will the 6th graders show me how they can apply their knowledge of maps and latitude and longitude, but they will also be visiting Mr. Rose's 4th grade class to teach them about maps as well! Both Mr. Rose and I are very excited about this class-to-class teaching and learning experience!
The 7th Graders next week will be moving away from creating their own culture (it turns out this class are already culture experts, and have already created a culture of their own,) and so will be turning their eyes on cultures that already exist in the world. Keep your eyes open for the Country Culture Project Parade sheets that will be coming home tomorrow. The students will be creating a mini-parade float depicting the 7 Elements of Culture from a South American, Australian, European, Asian, or African country. This project will be completed mostly outside of class, but we will have two class periods next week to work on it as well. The floats will be due on Friday next week. 7th grade will also be learning about surveys, bar graphs, line graphs, and circle graphs. Fun!
8th Grade is finishing this week by looking at Ancient Mesopotamia, the first of the Ancient Civilizations. (Ask them about how hard it was to be Hunter-Gatherers, to trade without words, and to decide how to create their own culture!) Next week we will examine written language, daily life in Mesopotamia, Mesopotamian jobs, and continue looking at the importance of trade.
8th graders: your first World History quiz will be Thursday, September 9.
Seniors! How are you enjoying learning about research skills? I am working to gain access to the computer lab at least one day next week so we can continue looking at the positives and negatives of Internet [btw: always capitalize the word Internet. It's (for some reason) a proper noun :) ] research. If not, we will start practicing our summarizing skills! Plagiarism be gone!
Also, seniors: Don't forget about your weekly blog posts. Remember, this week you are focusing on one positive and one negative of your senior year! (Hopefully this communications class isn't the negative!)
Well, that's the plan...what will change? A lot, I'm sure! There are so many exciting and (I hope!) fun things happening in Discovery School Room #4 ... let's make next week as great as this one was!
Dia de La Independencia (Independence Day) plans!
Homeroom 6th Graders! (And, really, everyone else, too!)
The plans for Honduras' Independence Day have been set!
The plans for Honduras' Independence Day have been set!

6th Grade (my homeroom) has the topic of: Comayagua
7th Grade: Amapala (beach tourist attractions)
8th Grade: Bay Islands
12th Grade: (This is your last one: make it GREAT!) Employer Fairs (ask your homeroom teacher about this, I'm not 100% what it means)
7th, 8th, and 12th graders, check with your homeroom teachers for more information about your floats.
6th graders (and 6th grade parents!): This is the time for you to shine. I have never been to Comayagua (something I hope to change before September 10), but for now, you are the experts! Please start thinking of creative, patriotic, loving, and respectful ways to portray Comayagua to the rest of the school. (And if any of you have something on wheels we can use on the base, please let me know!!)
ALL STUDENTS: To help ensure this event is a success, and to defray some of the costs of the delicious Honduran food that will be served after the parade, each family is asked to donate 100 Lempiras cash only, to be brought to school and given to the homeroom teacher (or classroom teacher for elementary students) with the youngest child in the family. Receipts will be available for anyone who wishes one.
Remember, this is 100 Lempiras PER FAMILY, sent with the YOUNGEST family member, CASH ONLY (no checks, please). Questions? Shoot me an e-mail or comment here at the blog.
I am really looking forward to my first Discovery School Honduran Independence Day Celebration...let's make it the best one yet!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Open House Rescheduled!
Hello Early Birds:
Well, maybe you're not a fan of early risings, but I hope you will forgo sleep just this once, as our Discovery School Open House has been rescheduled for this Friday, August 27, from 7:00-8:50 am!
Please plan to join us at the school, where from 7:00-8:00 you will have the opportunity to visit any teachers you wish, and from 8:00-8:50 you can join Ms. Giles and the DPTO for a breakfast presentation, as well as the opportunity to pick up tour 2010-2011 Parent-Student Handbook, Payment Books, and your fun turtle car sticker.
If you are not going to be able to make it this Friday but would still like to get in touch with me, (or any other teacher) please remember you can always reach us on our e-mail. Mine is, and any other teacher can be reached by e-mailing their first initial then last name
Hope to see you then!
Well, maybe you're not a fan of early risings, but I hope you will forgo sleep just this once, as our Discovery School Open House has been rescheduled for this Friday, August 27, from 7:00-8:50 am!
Please plan to join us at the school, where from 7:00-8:00 you will have the opportunity to visit any teachers you wish, and from 8:00-8:50 you can join Ms. Giles and the DPTO for a breakfast presentation, as well as the opportunity to pick up tour 2010-2011 Parent-Student Handbook, Payment Books, and your fun turtle car sticker.
If you are not going to be able to make it this Friday but would still like to get in touch with me, (or any other teacher) please remember you can always reach us on our e-mail. Mine is, and any other teacher can be reached by e-mailing their first initial then last name
Hope to see you then!
Senior Blog Post #3
Hello communications class!
For your blog post this week, please reflect on the one thing you are looking forward to most in your senior year, and the one thing you are looking forward to least.
I know there (probably) are a lot of things you are looking forward to, and maybe even more than one you would like to avoid, but please choose one thing for each side and explain them thoroughly.
Please also upload a picture that illustrates your feelings. The image can be one you take or create, or one you find on the web. (If you find it on the web, be sure you credit the source. You can do this with a quick copy/paste of the web address under the image, or in the comments once you have posted. Either way, posting the source is mandatory, not suggested. Failing to credit sources from now on will lead to a reduction in your grade.)
Also: Please bring a non-fiction book (no textbooks, please, choose a biography or other scholarly work) to class on Thursday. Pop in my room if you want to check to see if your chosen book qualifies.
I am really enjoying your blogs...keep up the good work!! :)
For your blog post this week, please reflect on the one thing you are looking forward to most in your senior year, and the one thing you are looking forward to least.
I know there (probably) are a lot of things you are looking forward to, and maybe even more than one you would like to avoid, but please choose one thing for each side and explain them thoroughly.
Please also upload a picture that illustrates your feelings. The image can be one you take or create, or one you find on the web. (If you find it on the web, be sure you credit the source. You can do this with a quick copy/paste of the web address under the image, or in the comments once you have posted. Either way, posting the source is mandatory, not suggested. Failing to credit sources from now on will lead to a reduction in your grade.)
Also: Please bring a non-fiction book (no textbooks, please, choose a biography or other scholarly work) to class on Thursday. Pop in my room if you want to check to see if your chosen book qualifies.
I am really enjoying your blogs...keep up the good work!! :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Things to look forward to: August 23-27
What a great first full week of school!!
I was very disappointed not to have parents' night, and I hope you and your family are not having too much trouble with the rain!
Weather aside, in 6th grade this week we were all about latitude and longitude! (Click on the link to find the latitude and longitude of any place in the world!) Parents: ask your 6th grader about their location-finding skills. Designate a line in your tile floor as the Equator, another as the Prime Meridian, and see how quickly they can tell you where they are! Next week we will be working with a "sweet" grid and geographic features, and are finally ready to make our own maps!
The 7th graders also worked with latitude and longitude, but it was more of a review for them, and they finished with both grids and geographic features as of this morning. Monday will see them starting a unit on culture, beginning with the creation of a map of the location for their culture. We will be working on the seven elements of culture until the Independence Day break!
8th grade this week was all about family...the students studied family life in prehistoric times, took a quiz (and evaluated themselves) on whether or not they would have survived as a hunter-gatherer, and presented their family history to the class. Who knew we had such a culturally varied and interesting 8th grade class! Next week we will begin studying Ancient Civilizations, beginning with Ancient Mesopotamia. The students will conduct experiments early in the week to understand just what was involved in the civilization of human life.
The Class of 2011 met twice this week, and were all together for the first time this afternoon. We started our unit on research skills by evaluating what elements of research they were confident in, those they were comfortable with, and those they knew they needed help on. They also brought in examples of 2 websites: the best and worst they found in a simple, one-word Google search. We also looked at magazines, evaluating what type of magazine would be good for what type of research. Next week we will continue evaluating resources, especially books and other periodicals.
The seniors are also completing weekly blog posts. This past week they were asked to evaluate another blog and compare it with their own. Please feel free to visit their blogs, which are listed to the right of your screen.
Here's hoping that the sun shines on us all this weekend, and that we will meet at the rescheduled Parent's event next week!
I was very disappointed not to have parents' night, and I hope you and your family are not having too much trouble with the rain!
Weather aside, in 6th grade this week we were all about latitude and longitude! (Click on the link to find the latitude and longitude of any place in the world!) Parents: ask your 6th grader about their location-finding skills. Designate a line in your tile floor as the Equator, another as the Prime Meridian, and see how quickly they can tell you where they are! Next week we will be working with a "sweet" grid and geographic features, and are finally ready to make our own maps!
The 7th graders also worked with latitude and longitude, but it was more of a review for them, and they finished with both grids and geographic features as of this morning. Monday will see them starting a unit on culture, beginning with the creation of a map of the location for their culture. We will be working on the seven elements of culture until the Independence Day break!
8th grade this week was all about family...the students studied family life in prehistoric times, took a quiz (and evaluated themselves) on whether or not they would have survived as a hunter-gatherer, and presented their family history to the class. Who knew we had such a culturally varied and interesting 8th grade class! Next week we will begin studying Ancient Civilizations, beginning with Ancient Mesopotamia. The students will conduct experiments early in the week to understand just what was involved in the civilization of human life.
The Class of 2011 met twice this week, and were all together for the first time this afternoon. We started our unit on research skills by evaluating what elements of research they were confident in, those they were comfortable with, and those they knew they needed help on. They also brought in examples of 2 websites: the best and worst they found in a simple, one-word Google search. We also looked at magazines, evaluating what type of magazine would be good for what type of research. Next week we will continue evaluating resources, especially books and other periodicals.
The seniors are also completing weekly blog posts. This past week they were asked to evaluate another blog and compare it with their own. Please feel free to visit their blogs, which are listed to the right of your screen.
Here's hoping that the sun shines on us all this weekend, and that we will meet at the rescheduled Parent's event next week!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Open House Postponed
Well, I'm sure you know by now, but just in case you didn't hear, the Open House tonight is postponed. :(
I will be much more timely with the news of when it's rescheduled! Hope to see you next time around!
I will be much more timely with the news of when it's rescheduled! Hope to see you next time around!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Reminder: Open House!
I wanted to post a reminder for all students and parents:
This Thursday, August 19, is the Discovery School Open House. It will be held from 6-8 PM, and I would very much enjoy meeting each and every one of my students' parents.
Please make time to attend this important Discovery School event, and be sure to pop by room #4 in the secondary building so I can say hello!
This Thursday, August 19, is the Discovery School Open House. It will be held from 6-8 PM, and I would very much enjoy meeting each and every one of my students' parents.
Please make time to attend this important Discovery School event, and be sure to pop by room #4 in the secondary building so I can say hello!

Week of August 16 Blog Post: Due Monday, August 23
Hello seniors:
This week I want you to visit the website of the Blogger's Choice Awards from 2009. (Click on the gray words to head straight to the blog.)
Take some time to look around, then pick one blog and link to it on your own personal blog. (Type the name of the blog, highlight it with your curser, copy the blog's address, click the "link" button at the top of your post [it's the one with the world and the chain icon] and paste the address into the box that will open. The words within your post that you highlighted will change color and become underlined (They will look like my Blogger's Choice Awards link above). E-mail me or pop by my room if you have questions.)
Once you have linked to the blog of your choice I want you to compare and contrast your own blog with the "Best Blog" you chose. Explain what parts of their blog you like, and what parts you dislike. Which parts of that blog could you emulate to make your own blog better?
I have sincerely enjoyed reading all your blogs, and it seems you are enjoying having them. Keep up the excellent work, and remember, if you are using an image or text that you yourself did not create, be sure you are giving credit where credit is due!!)
This will be due Monday, August 23. Of course, you are welcome to post more than just once this week...but make sure this is done at some point in the next 7 days.
This week I want you to visit the website of the Blogger's Choice Awards from 2009. (Click on the gray words to head straight to the blog.)
Take some time to look around, then pick one blog and link to it on your own personal blog. (Type the name of the blog, highlight it with your curser, copy the blog's address, click the "link" button at the top of your post [it's the one with the world and the chain icon] and paste the address into the box that will open. The words within your post that you highlighted will change color and become underlined (They will look like my Blogger's Choice Awards link above). E-mail me or pop by my room if you have questions.)
Once you have linked to the blog of your choice I want you to compare and contrast your own blog with the "Best Blog" you chose. Explain what parts of their blog you like, and what parts you dislike. Which parts of that blog could you emulate to make your own blog better?
I have sincerely enjoyed reading all your blogs, and it seems you are enjoying having them. Keep up the excellent work, and remember, if you are using an image or text that you yourself did not create, be sure you are giving credit where credit is due!!)
This will be due Monday, August 23. Of course, you are welcome to post more than just once this week...but make sure this is done at some point in the next 7 days.
Friday, August 13, 2010
A successful first week!
Hello everyone!
I hope you had as great a first week as I did! It was fun to get to know you, and I am very much looking forward to the rest of the year!
In both 6th and 7th grades this week we took a map quiz and started becoming familiar with the parts of a map. Next week we will continue learning about maps, longitude and latitude, and grids, leading up to the students making their own map at the end of the week.
8th graders this week began talking about their own place in history, and the concept of family. Over the weekend they will be completing research on their own family history, as well as a family tree. Next week they will continue bringing information about their own families into a short in-class presentation.
The seniors this week were given the task to start their own blogs as part of their communications class. Each senior is expected to post to their blog at least one time per week, sometimes with a topic given by me (or another teacher,) sometimes just an updater post on the progression of their senior year. Next week we will start looking at our quarter-long research methods unit, focusing on how to avoid plagiarism.
Let's hit the ground running on Monday, ready to succeed during our first full week of the 2010-2011 school year!
I hope you had as great a first week as I did! It was fun to get to know you, and I am very much looking forward to the rest of the year!
In both 6th and 7th grades this week we took a map quiz and started becoming familiar with the parts of a map. Next week we will continue learning about maps, longitude and latitude, and grids, leading up to the students making their own map at the end of the week.
8th graders this week began talking about their own place in history, and the concept of family. Over the weekend they will be completing research on their own family history, as well as a family tree. Next week they will continue bringing information about their own families into a short in-class presentation.
The seniors this week were given the task to start their own blogs as part of their communications class. Each senior is expected to post to their blog at least one time per week, sometimes with a topic given by me (or another teacher,) sometimes just an updater post on the progression of their senior year. Next week we will start looking at our quarter-long research methods unit, focusing on how to avoid plagiarism.
Let's hit the ground running on Monday, ready to succeed during our first full week of the 2010-2011 school year!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Blogging Procedure
Most often my weekly+ blog posts will have a section in them for each class, and will be boldly and colorfully designated.
For example:
6th Grade (My homeroom class!) will be orange
7th Grade will be blue
8th Grade will be green
12th Grade will be red
Yearbook (if there are ever any yearbook posts) will be purple
You can also find any class-specific items using the labels designations. Just click on the label that matches your class name and just the posts that pertain to your class will be displayed. This will be very helpful because I will be posting class-specific project deadlines as often as possible.
As always, remember to comment on posts if you have any questions or comments...I'd love to hear about your progress over the weekend or any questions you have after the school day is over...and if you can think of any way I can improve the blog, by all means, let me know! :)
For example:
6th Grade (My homeroom class!) will be orange
7th Grade will be blue
8th Grade will be green
12th Grade will be red
Yearbook (if there are ever any yearbook posts) will be purple
You can also find any class-specific items using the labels designations. Just click on the label that matches your class name and just the posts that pertain to your class will be displayed. This will be very helpful because I will be posting class-specific project deadlines as often as possible.
As always, remember to comment on posts if you have any questions or comments...I'd love to hear about your progress over the weekend or any questions you have after the school day is over...and if you can think of any way I can improve the blog, by all means, let me know! :)
A little about me...
Hello students and parents!
My name is Kristen Fink, and I am the new Middle School Social Studies teacher at Discovery School!
I will be teaching 4 classes this year:
6th Grade Social Studies
7th Grade Social Studies
8th Grade World History
12th Grade Communications
I will also be the Yearbook sponsor, and I hope to get an after-school darkroom photography group started sometime after first quarter.
I grew up in the great state of Iowa, and traveled quite a bit in Western Europe during my high school and college years. I also lived in London, England for a semester. This is my first time to Central America, but so far I am really enjoying it!
If you have any questions for me, please feel free to contact me at the school (I am in room #4!) or by e-mail at
Let's have a great school year!
My name is Kristen Fink, and I am the new Middle School Social Studies teacher at Discovery School!
I will be teaching 4 classes this year:
6th Grade Social Studies
7th Grade Social Studies
8th Grade World History
12th Grade Communications
I will also be the Yearbook sponsor, and I hope to get an after-school darkroom photography group started sometime after first quarter.
I grew up in the great state of Iowa, and traveled quite a bit in Western Europe during my high school and college years. I also lived in London, England for a semester. This is my first time to Central America, but so far I am really enjoying it!
If you have any questions for me, please feel free to contact me at the school (I am in room #4!) or by e-mail at
Let's have a great school year!
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