New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First Post of the 2011-2012 School Year!!!

Greetings Discovery School Parents and Students!

For those of you who haven't met me before, my name is Kristen Fink. I am originally from Iowa, USA, and have bachelor's degrees in history and journalism, and my Master of Arts in Teaching. This is my second year at Discovery School, and my third year of teaching. This year at Discovery I will be the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade social studies teacher. I am also the coordinator of the school yearbook and the faculty supervisor for the Model United Nations team.

This is my classroom blog, and I work very hard to make it a resource for you. Each week you can log onto this site to check out an overview of what we will be studying that week, special information and announcements from the school, and the #1 blog hits generator, quiz review questions (with answers)! Please take a moment to answer the poll question to the right: your feedback will help me make this blog the best it can be!

I am located in the secondary building, room #4, and my door is always open to parents and students...please let me know what I can do to help all our Discovery Students succeed!

Enjoy the last week of summer...


  1. Congratulations on Your greatest website: it is a real rainbow of joy!
    If You are interested in Geography, I kindly invite You to visit my blog about the borders in the world. The driving text is in Italian+Estonian, but do not worry, it contains only photos.
    I never visited Central America, but Honduras it attracts me since always. Because, when I was a child, I did read somewhere it means "Transparence".
    All good wishes!

  2. Thank you! What a neat idea! :) I highly suggest a visit to is a beautiful country! :)
