New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

First of two short weeks, November 15-18

Hello everyone:

It was nice to see some of you this morning planting trees and supporting the seniors and Discovery going green!

This week will be short and sweet (although not as short as next week) but there will be many new things happening, so it will be an important one.

6th grade: Are you ready to shift your attention to South America? This week we will focus on all-things Incan. I have a lot of fun activities planned, and I hope our conversation last week will inspire you to give 100% effort this week...some of the topics we will cover will be Incan religion, the status of Machu Picchu (you can still visit it in Peru!), and will design some Incan clothing!

7th grade: Now we are two groups, there may come a time where we have 2 separate schedules (I hope not to do that, but sometime it may be necessary.) So, please keep your eyes peeled. If all 7th graders will be doing the activity, it will simply say 7th grade. If the classes are split, I will have the 7A/7B distinction, with different colors of blue, and will add a label for the classes.

However, this week I think we will stay together. You all got your first taste of primary sources on Friday (weren't they great?! don't you love them?!!), and will need to remember how important they are as we start our first DBQ (Document Based Question) this week. NOTE: Because I was gone for a week, and our study of Ancient India was so disjointed for other reasons, we will NOT be having a traditional quiz over Ancient India. Instead, your DBQ will count as a quiz :)

8th grade: You asked, I listened. Greek quiz will be Monday. I hope you studied/have your notes page ready.

We will move onto Ancient Rome on Tuesday. We will (as usual) start with a look at the geography of Italy, then will use primary sources and Roman myths to focus on the city of Rome. We will finish out the week looking at the original government of Rome, the Etruscan Monarchy.

Seniors: Don't forget I moved the blog post's due date to Wednesday. Sorry. (Because I'm sure you're very upset ;). We will only have one class this week, and we will spend it in the computer lab focusing on the demonstration speeches! Check out this week's blog assignment for an excellent website that you can use to help you decide what you want to speak about.

And that's that!

I hope you all have an excellent week (midterms go out on the 22nd!) and are ready to sprint to the finish of the quarter and the semester! (seriously, we only have 5 weeks! Where has this school year gone?!)


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