New School

Nova International Schools
8th Grade LASS (8-1 and 8-3)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

First full week: January 10-14

Hello Everyone:

I hope last week got you back in the "school groove" and you are ready to continue strongly through this next (first) full week of the second semester!

6th grade: We are going to continue looking at the European Explorers this week, starting with a centers activity tomorrow where we will contemplate just what it was like to be on a ship in the middle of the ocean in the late 1500s. (Not fun, I have to say). We will also look at some of the countries (besides Portugal) who sent out explorers in the 1500s and 1600s.

7th grade: Do you know what a dynasty is? You will by the end of this week! We will be studying them for the next two weeks, starting tomorrow with a timeline game and continuing through the week with readings, primary sources, and fun picture-drawing activities!

8th grade: I have heard from a few of you, so I know some of you are working on your talking points for tomorrow's debate. Don't worry...if we're having a lot of fun tomorrow we might extend the debate until Tuesday, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Later this week we will move from East to West and examine the life and legacy of a guy named Charlemagne, and looking at the first split in the Christian church, the Great Schism of 1054. (That might be one of the dates you should know).

Seniors: Hopefully you enjoyed your introduction to interviews last week. Remember, your interview write-up is due Thursday. Speaking of Thursdays, from now until the end of the quarter Thursdays will be "Journalism days," where we will look at and create different types of journalism. We will start this Thursday with a look at all them major journalistic forms. Fridays will be "Yearbook days", where we will focus on starting the yearbook and making it the book that you will be excited to carry with you to college next year... :)

Hope you all had a great weekend...

By the way, I'm still trying to see who is actually reading this blog, anyway...for a bit of extra credit (for you or your student, depending on who you are) please comment on this posting (might want to include your name or at least initials and school year). You can do this by pushing the "comment" link below, making your comment, then filling in the funny gobbledygook word they ask for (it makes sure you aren't a computer.) Should take you all of 2 minutes.

Thanks in advance, have a great week! :)



  1. Hello Ms. Fink
    I read your blog every sunday.
    Hence my comment.

  2. I read your blog today (Tuesday), Ms. Fink! Thanks for the information.

  3. Hi Ms. Fink, It is Victoria Glynn, 8th Grade, 10-11. I read your blog every Monday afternoon to check for when the assignments are due, and for the useful information you post and the links. Thanks. Bye.

  4. Hi Mrs. Fink,
    I check all the teachers' blogs every Monday and then again throughout the week. I find them very useful. Thank you for posting the MAP testing schedule. Best regards. Nina Glynn
